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Screaming Eagles in Vietnam

“1967” Combat missions of the 1st Brigade, 101st airborne division, from the summer of 1965 to January 1967: Operations Van Buren, Harrison, Hawthorne, John Paul Jones, Pickett.


Dragon’s Teeth

“1963” General J. Lawton Collins tells of the fight to take the Siegfried line in World War II, and of the campaign to cross onto the soil of Germany.



History of the Air Force 1954-1964

“1977” History of the Air Force 1954 – 1964 from missile development to space. Highlights Air Force history from 1926 through 1971. Covers Dr. Goddards’ rocket experiments in 1926, German V-2 rockets, the american missile program development, aerospace medicine research, Cuban Missile Crisis, X-15 astronauts’ flights and Air Force Efforts in space.


History of the Air Force 1944-1945

“1976” Covers history of Army Air Corps actions during air war over Europe and the pacific, including the surrender of Japan.


Battle of Hue

“2007” On January 31,1968,the North Vietnamese Army launches the surprise “Tet Offensive”,simultaneously attacking dozens of South Vietnamese cities. Among them is the ancient city of Hue. Outnumbered 10 to 1 the brave US Marines and South Vietnamese Army troops defend the city with their lives.


Vietnam Army Air Mobility Team

“1965” US Army film that outlines Air Mobility Team doctrine in the early-mid Vietnam war. Contains a wide variety of helicopter and ground combat footage.


The Battle of Khe Sanh

“1967” It was the longest and deadliest battle of the Vietnam War, with arguments still raging about what actually took place.


The Crime of Korea

“1950” Korea in the tumultuous period between the end of World War II and the start of the Korean War.


The Hidden War in Vietnam

“1974” From remote and hazardous locales in South Vietnam comes this documentary report on what the United States Army, Air Force, and Navy are doing to contain the spread of Communism. THE BIG PICTURE camera crews on location in South Vietnam show the military operations of our Special Forces units–how they live–how they operate–and what they are doing to help the Vietnamese. The host-narrator of this issue is television and motion picture star Mr. James Arness.


Unique War Vietnam

“1966” The program portrays the mission of the armed forces in South Vietnam. They search for the enemy on the battlefield and the effort to win the minds and favor of the people.
