10 Funny Jokes Just For Marines

1. Q: What did the marine say when he saw a bee?
A: Oorah bee-rah!
2. Q: What did the marine sergeant yell out on a really hot day?
A: Hundred and twenty degrees, and falling!
3. Q: What did the marine call the cow he saw in the field?
A: Private moo.
4. Q: What did the marine sergeant say when he saw a hill?
A: Take the high ground!
5. Q: What did the marine say when he ordered a cup of coffee?
A: Marine-style – black and strong!
6. Q: How did the marine sergeant react when his troops moved too slowly?
A: Semper Fi-ve miles an hour!
7. Q: What did the marine say when he saw the car in front of him?
A: Follow that HMMWV!
8. Q: What did the marine say when asked where he was going?
A: Onward and upward!
9. Q: How did the marine ask for extra hot sauce?
A: Oorah-hot-sauce!
10. Q: What did the marine say when he saw a UFO?
A: Deploy the F-18s!