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The F-22 Raptor Facts: 30 Things to Know


AESA Radar Is A Key Stealth Element

F-22 Radar
Northrop Grumman

The F-22 Raptor is renowned for its stealth, but how exactly does it achieve it? One of the contributing factors is what is known as AESA or Active Electronically Scanned Array radar. This is just a component of the larger radar system known as AN/APG-77 developed by Northrop Grumman and incorporated into all F-22 Raptors. The beams emitted from this high performance radar are “agile frequency” which make it difficult for the enemy to spot or detect them. It has a low radar cross section and target detection, allowing the F-22 to gain what is referred to as “first look, first kill” capability. As you might expect, the producers of these radar systems are always eager to improve their creation and it is expected that similar systems in the near future will incorporate electronic warfare, among other upgrades.