The F-22 Raptor Facts: 30 Things to Know
F-22 Boasts Unique Cockpit Elements Like NVG and HMS

The F-22 may be the most intimidating fighter jet in existence, so it comes as no surprise that the cockpit would be decked out in the latest technology. Previously, fighter jets contained automated sensor operators that do the tactical work for the pilot. But the F-22 optimizes the maximum potential of both the computer technology and the pilot’s tactical skills – leaving the tactical decisions up to the expert in the driver’s seat. The cockpit is the first compatible with baseline Night Vision Goggles (NVG) and the canopy contains the largest piece of polycarbonate in the world. It’s built to hold a single pilot with an ACES II ejection seat and upgraded life support systems. Finally, the cockpit is compatible with Helmet Mounted systems (HMS) which allow for better and more consistent focus while operating the aircraft. Of all the F-22 facts, this might be the most important to the pilot him/herself.