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National Guard Memes That Will Make Anyone Laugh


Nothing beats a classic National Guard meme. These 15 are the funniest on the internet, and you’re going to love them – as long as you love military memes that is!

national guard meme

What happens at drill

For our first National Guard meme, we talk about what happens at drill. Some people will think that National Guard drills are fun. When in reality, they’re usually boring. If you’ve served in the National Guard, you probably agree with this.

Even when it’s your one weekend a month, it might not be the most eventful. But you are still serving your purpose as a member of the United States military (albeit on a reservist basis).

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MREs for Chow – Funny National Guard Meme

We can imagine the look on your face when you have MREs for chow. It was probably the same as Keanu Reeves’. MREs may not be the best kind of food. But it’s definitely something you gotta eat if you are actually out in the field during some kind of training.

You’re miles away from a chow hall and even farther from the nearest McDonald’s. If you are a National Guard soldier, you can probably nod and say ‘been there, done that’. A hilarious National Guard meme!

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Citizen Soldiers

The cool thing about being in the National Guard is that you can work a regular job while serving your country at the same time. But the National Guard may like to rib the regular Army for doing the latter’s job. The National Guard and the regular US Army work together even in times of combat.

Those in the National Guard are known as ‘citizen soldiers’. They fulfill their usual one weekend a month and two weeks per year obligation. A hilarious National Guard meme!

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Not a real soldier? – Funny National Guard Meme

There is a major difference between the US Army and the National Guard. However, some can say that soldiers in the National Guard are not real soldiers. But in times when they are needed for deployment, they work alongside the soldiers of the United States Army (and the rest of the military).

In times of conflict and at peace, it’s safe to say that whether it’s the Guard or the regular Army, you are a soldier.

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What I do: Air National Guard Edition

Who served in the Air National Guard? If this is you, this meme might speak volumes. Like the Army National Guard, you get the usual weekend a month and two weeks a year. And you are also considered one of the many who are called Airmen. Some fly planes, others do security forces, and others do usual jobs that pertain to their service.

If you’re in the Air National Guard or have served, it might be just as fun compared to the regular National Guard. A hilarious National Guard meme!

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National Guard Ad – Funny National Guard Meme

It’s safe to say that the regular Army tends to troll their National Guard counterparts. It happens all the time in the military. So whenever a regular Army enlistee sees a recruitment ad for the National Guard, of course he’s going to start laughing. They’ll poke fun at the Guard saying ‘they’re not real soldiers’. But they do realize that the Army and the National Guard are not so different.

But do you ever wonder what National Guard soldiers do when they see an Army ad?

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What if I told you… – Funny National Guard Meme

What if Morpheus was a National Guard recruiter? He probably would talk to you about how you can go to school while serving in the Guard at the same time. One of the perks of course is graduating school without student debt. That’s because the National Guard will take care of that for you (sorry, student loans…you lose).

While being a student and a citizen soldier can be demanding, it has its perks and rewards. But you’ll thank yourself later.

military memes

Reserves vs National Guard

When you join the reserves but then you hear about the benefits the National Guard offers. Uh oh. Looks like you probably should have thought it over. While the reservists and Guard get pretty much the same benefits, the states will often have additional benefits for those serving in the Guard. So in other words, the guard gets a little bit extra compared to the reserves.

However, the guard has both combat and support while reservists tend to lean towards the latter. A hilarious National Guard meme!

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Drill Weekend – Funny National Guard Meme

We’re not saying that it’s ‘Drill Weekend’. But it’s ‘Drill weekend’. If there is one military meme we can’t leave out, it’s the ‘Aliens’ guy. Each weekend can be different. It can be fun or it can be boring and uneventful. When the time comes, it’s probably best to pack all the provisionals, because it will be a long weekend.

In a nutshell, that is basically the one weekend per month for those in the guard.

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The ‘oldest’ military branch

It may be a shock, but it’s true. The Army National Guard was established in the year 1636 in the Massachusetts colony. So they are much older than the rest of the active duty branches of the military. Pretty crazy when you think about it. Before they were considered the Guard, they were known as local militias.

But now, the National Guard now has various Army attachments throughout each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. A hilarious National Guard meme!

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When you forget about drill – Funny National Guard Meme

You get up in the morning. It seems like it’s just another weekend. But guess what? You realized today was the beginning for drill weekend. We somehow seem to lose track of time depending on our busy schedules. Or what if you were out the night before after you’ve arrived at your post?

It’s probably not fun to go through a drill day when you aren’t well rested enough. But be sure you get a good night’s sleep before the big day so you are mentally sharp.

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Sleep well, citizen

The Air National Guard will do missions and drills day and night. But they do this with confidence in knowing that citizens of your community will be well protected against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Your weekend could consist of some flyover missions and drills. But it’s good to practice just in case some real action comes along.

If you’re a member of the Air National Guard, you might have found your drill weekends to be quite fun. Even when it’s done at 40,000 feet.

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“Training” – Funny National Guard Meme

The one weekend a month in the National Guard is drill. But the two weeks a year is “training”. Depending on your occupation in the Guard, you will spend those two weeks somewhere so you can acquire the best skills to become even better at the job. Typically, your two weeks of training will occur during the summer months.

For your training, you either went stateside or went overseas with other National Guard units. Either way, it was skills worth acquiring.

‘It’s Friday’

The weekends can be fun. But then, you realize you have that one weekend where it’s drill. Yep, you’re going to be busy from Friday night until Sunday. But hey, you’ll always have the other weekends to yourself. It’s all part of the obligation.

We’ve all felt that ‘yay, it’s the weekend’ feeling. But only to realize, “what a minute…I’m busy”. Spending time with your buddies will have to wait another week. But still you serve with pride. A hilarious National Guard meme!

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Weekend Warriors – Funny National Guard Meme

They did set the foundation for the Army in some form. As mentioned before, they were at one point local militias during the times when America was part of the British Empire. But it wasn’t until the Revolutionary War when the US Army was established. So the National Guard had the right idea.

Things have changed between its early establishment and now. But the National Guard still serves as part of the largest standing Army in the world. A hilarious National Guard meme!

Check out these funny Coast Guard memes next!